Top 10 Myths About the Causes of Breast Cancer and revealing the facts

Top 10 Myths about the causes of Breast cancer

Breast Cancer is cancer that forms in the cells of breasts. The breast cells form up a tumour that can be felt as lumps or can be seen on an X-ray report. Breast cancer is common among women and most of the cases of Breast cancer are among women but it can also happen in men.

Myths about the causes of Breast cancer

People have a natural tendency to develop myths about anything until they face the same or see people around them facing it. Same is the case with breast cancer. People have developed so many myths about the causes of Breast cancer, not just causes but what treatment would follow, what to do and what not. But these myths need to be busted as they create misconceptions among people. I agree, breast cancer is among the most talked cancers but it is required to know some facts instead of myths.

Here follow Top 10 Myths about the causes of Breast cancer and the real facts about those.

1. Myth- Wearing a bra can cause breast cancer

Fact-No studies prove that wearing a bra can cause                breast cancer

Many people believe that wearing a bra can be one of the causes of Breast cancer, but no studies have proved this till now.

The theory that wearing an underwire bra restricts the flow of lymph fluid out of the breasts which further results in building up of toxic substances. There is no study to support the statement. Some breast cancer patients found no link between wearing a bra and breast cancer.

2. Myth- Using deodorant or underarm antiperspirant can be among the causes of Breast cancer

Fact- There is no proof showing the connection between deodorant or underarm antiperspirant and breast cancer

Many people believe that using an underarm antiperspirant or deodorant can increase the risk of developing breast cancer, but there is no such proof regarding this theory. However, the safety grounds of deodorants or underarm antiperspirant are being tested.

Theories say that underarm antiperspirant specifically the one’s with aluminium and other chemicals are absorbed by the lymph nodes and make their way into the breast cells, increasing the cancer risks. It is even said that shaving the underarms make the effect worse by creating small pores in the underarms. It is also said that as underarm antiperspirant stops the sweat but sweating is important for the body as it releases toxins. But because of the underarm antiperspirants sweating is reduced and toxins are not released, hence increasing the risk of breast cancer.

No studies are showing a link between the causes of Breast cancer and underarm antiperspirant or deodorant.

3. Myth- Excessive consumption of sugar can cause breast cancer

Fact- No studies prove this statement

Although consumption of high levels of sugar is harmful to your overall health, most of the people have a misconception that excessive consumption of sugar can cause breast cancer.

Sugar has been connected to almost every cancer that its consumption increases the risk of cancer. All the cells in the body use sugar(glucose) for growth as fuel. Cancer cells indeed absorb sugar more quickly than normal cells, but it can not be proved that excessive consumption of sugar causes cancer.

Sugar consumption cannot be directly linked with causing cancer but it is a fact that sugar consumption can make you overweight which is undoubtedly the factor in the causes of Breast cancer or any other cancer for that matter.

4. Breast cancer always forms lumps that can be felt

Fact- It is not always necessary that breast cancer develops a lump, especially at an earlier stage.

People have a misconception that breast cancer always develops a lump which can be easily felt by one during a self-examination. This is not true as it does not always develop a lump, especially at the earliest stages. It can be identified only through mammography.

People also argue on what type of lumps are cancerous lumps. They suggest that lumps which are hard, immovable and not smooth are only cancerous but this again is not true. Any type of lumps can be cancerous and it can be found out through mammography.

5. Myth- Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, can eliminate the risk of causing breast cancer completely

Fact- This can reduce the risk but cannot eliminate it completely

Many people believe that if you maintain a healthy weight, exercise regularly, limit alcohol consumption, eat a balanced diet and maintain a healthy lifestyle, you are free from the risk of building breast cancer.

Although these factors reduce the risk of developing breast cancer they can not eliminate it.

6. Myth- Early stages of breast cancer cannot recur

Fact- Breast cancer at an earlier stage may also recur

Many people that if breast cancer is cured at an early stage it cannot happen again. This is a myth as treating breast cancer at an earlier stage does not ensure that it wouldn’t recur. The risk never goes away completely.

Another myth is that if breast cancer has not recurred in five years it will never return and you are free from the risk of breast cancer.

7. Myth- Treatment of all the breast cancer patients are done in the same way

Fact- Treatment plans vary depending upon the patients

People who haven’t developed breast cancer or haven’t come in contact with people who are diagnosed with cancer think that almost all breast cancer patients are treated in the same way. They think some chemotherapy, surgeries and radiation therapy are used to treat cancer patients although this is not the case.

The treatment depends on several factors like the size, the stage, the location and grade of cancer.

8. Myth- Only middle-aged and older women have breast cancer

Fact- Younger women and men can also develop breast cancer

Middle-aged women and older women are indeed at higher risk of developing breast cancer. But every age women need to take care of their breasts and perform self-examination from time to time.

9. Myth- if we don’t have have a family history in cancer, we are safe from breast cancer

Fact- most of the people diagnosed with breast cancer have no family history

Many people have a misconception that breast cancer is an inherited disease and if they don’t have a family history of breast cancer they are completely safe from breast cancer.

However, people having a history in breast cancer have a higher risk of developing breast cancer at a younger age but studies have shown that many of women diagnosed with breast cancer do not have any family history in breast cancer.

10. Myth- Injury or pain in breast can cause breast cancer

Fact- No proof to support this story

While getting hurt or developing an injury is the last thing anybody would want, no proves are there to support the think that getting hurt or developing an injury in the breast are is among the causes of breast cancer.

Some of the causes of breast cancer include inheritance, increasing age, personal breast cancer history, obesity, having periods at a younger age and many others.

Self-examination is important but consulting doctor is important.

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