How to Pop a Pimples: Safety, Side Effects, and More - Niabi

How to Pop a Pimples: Safety, Side Effects, and More

Acne or pimples is a health condition in which the hair follicles get plugged with oil and dead skin cells. The result of this generally is whiteheads, blackheads, pimples. They usually appear on cheeks, forehead, chest, upper back, and shoulders. Acne though can affect people of all ages, is generally seen on teenagers. Acne is really persistent even though there are multiple treatments for it available.

The pimples and bumps heal themselves slowly, however, when one seems to go way others seem to pop up. Acne often causes scars on the skin and increased emotional distress. If one faces them they should consider treatment early on to prevent it from getting worse.


There are four main factors that play a role in causing Pimples.
1. Excess oil production
2. Hair follicles clogged by oil and dead skin cells.
3. Bacteria
4. Excess activity of androgens. (hormone)

We are often able to find acne on our face, upper back, and shoulders because this is the place our bodies secrete the most oil as this is where our oil glands are present. Hair follicles are attached to these oil glands.

There are however some things that seem to worsen the condition of acne.
HormonesAndrogens are hormones that increase in both boys and girls once they hit puberty. These hormones are mentioned earlier, play a big role in causing acne. Hormonal changes are also linked to pregnancy and the use of oral contraceptives. A low amount of androgens in the blood can worsen acne.
Medicines – Drugs such as corticosteroids, testosterone, or lithium are known to worsen acne.
Diet – There are certain dietary factors such as skim milk, bread, bagels, and chips. These tend to worsen acne.
Stress – Stress in anyone can worsen their case of acne.


  1. Aloe vera – This is natural, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory. This means that it has the ability to reduce the appearance of acne and also prevent acne breakouts.
  2. Honey – Honey is a lesser-known remedy that is used to treat skin conditions such as acne. It has many antioxidants that help in clearing waste and debris from clogged pores.
  3. Garlic – Garlic is also weirdly enough a remedy. May traditional medicine practitioners used garlic to treat the infections and also boost bodies’ ability to fight germs.
  4. Green tea – Green tea a very well known healthy drink along with its other health benefits can also help acne.
    It’s antioxidants help in breaking down the chemicals and waste products in the body that have the ability to damage healthy cells.
  5. Rosemary extract – Rosemary extract contains chemicals and compounds that have antioxidants, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory elements.
  6. Coconut oil –  Coconut oil is something we all have easily available in our homes. These also contain anti-inflammatory and antibacterial compounds.
  7. Do not touch your acne – Some lifestyle changes are also necessary to treat acne. One should never touch their pimples. It is very tempting to do so but one should also avoid doing it. This tends to irritate the skin and may end up making the acne worse and also make it spread to other areas.
  8. Stay hydrated – Staying hydrated is a very necessary step towards making it easier for acne to heal and also minimize the overall risk of outbreaks of more pimples.
  9. Reduce stress – Stress causes the hormone androgen to increase. This stimulates hair follicles and oil glands in pores thus increasing the risk of acne.
  10. Using oil-free products – Oil-based and greasy products facilitate blocking of the pores and thus also increase the risk of them becoming clogged and forming acne sores.

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We all know how tempting it is to pop the pimples, however, we must all keep in mind that it can be extremely harmful to do so. It wouldn’t necessarily get rid of the problem. Popping the pimples results in pushing the puss and the bacteria even further in the skin, causing more swelling and redness. Popping the pimples also causes scars and might leave permanent pits.

Since clearly, popping should always be avoided, patience is something one should have when it comes to things like pimples. Pimples disappear on their own, once you do leave it alone and eventually it disappears, you wouldn’t be reminded of its existence by the scars it left on your skin.

You can, however, take the help of medicines and ointments. Applying benzoyl peroxide gel or cream once or twice a day will help dry the pimple faster. These are easily available at any chemist near your house. You can also take the help of your doctor or a dermatologist.

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