How to look naturally beautiful without makeup - Niabi

How to look naturally beautiful without makeup

Who doesn’t wants to look beautiful or attractive? Everyone does. Looking beautiful and presentable is now a basic requirement for life. Everyone has to go out to school, college, work, dates, and events for which you need to look beautiful and presentable. Some people have a naturally beautiful face and some go for Makeup. But not all of us love doing makeup, as in the long run, it affects our skin and texture of the face. The makeup costs a huge in the pocket, which not everyone can afford.

Therefore we need to look at some ways to look naturally beautiful without makeup.

1. Skincare

Are you really willing to look naturally beautiful without makeup? Then you will surely have to follow a good and consistent skincare routine. Following a consistent skincare routine means that you should take care of your skin regularly regardless of your personal routine. You must stick to products that suit your skin requirements. Fix up a skincare routine of about 10-15 minutes in a day which consists of cleansing, toning, and moisturizing your face.

Skincare routine is necessary because in the long run it will have good effects on your skin and it would surely improve the quality of your skin.

2. Exfoliate

Exfoliation is the key to flawless skin as it removes all the hidden impurities from the skin. Exfoliating your skin once in a while with a mild exfoliator is necessary as removes off the dead skin, blackheads, whiteheads and thus leaving your skin squeaky clean. This will make you look naturally beautiful without makeup.

For exfoliation choose the exfoliator that is meant for your skin type and is not too harsh on your skin.

You make a DIY exfoliator from the products present in your kitchen like coffee, honey, and coconut oil.

For the process of exfoliation take some product on your skin and massage it on your face in circular motions especially around the nose and chin area because those are the places where most of the blackheads find their place.

Also Read: 10 Beauty Tips You Need to Try at Home

3. Natural products

For looking naturally beautiful without makeup you should follow a proper skincare routine. But the products you use on your skin must be natural, or it must be made of natural ingredients. Using a lot of chemical products on your skin decreases the quality of your skin making it dull and dry or full of marks.

Chemical-based products harm your skin but you cannot see the result in a short time,  you can see the result in the long run. They would enlarge your pores, fasten the aging process, and make your skin look dull and lifeless.

You should choose the products that are paraben-free, sulfate-free and they must also be cruelty-free.

Go for products of companies like Mama Earth as their products are cruelty-free and based on natural ingredients. The formula of these products just feels like home as if they prepared by you at your home using the ingredients present in your kitchen.

5. Eat healthily

It is often said that what you eat shows on your skin and face. Therefore for looking beautiful naturally without makeup you must engage yourself in healthy eating as it would show on your skin.

For example, if we eat a lot of oily food we start getting pimples on the face.

That is why if you eat healthy food and follow a healthy lifestyle you must be heading towards a flawless, naturally beautiful, and glowing face.

It is recommended to avoid dairy products for good and flawless skin, avoid oily food, alcohol, cheese, coffee, gluten, sugary food, and fast food. Instead, you should consume food that is low on sugar level and high on nutrients. For example- fatty fish, avocados, walnuts, sunflower seeds, sweet potatoes are some of the food items that should be included in your meal to look naturally beautiful without makeup.

6.  Drink water

Nobody can emphasize enough on the benefits of drinking water. Water is a must for glowing and healthy skin. Every system and function of the human body is reliable on water.

Drinking at least 8-12 glasses of water daily is the thing we have learned since childhood.

Nobody really remembers drinking water as it is tasteless. To make this interesting you can add cucumbers, lemons, or oranges for making it interesting. Adding these would not only make your water interesting but you will also get the additional benefits that these items bring with them.

If you don’t drink water properly your skin won’t remain hydrated and it would feel dry and damaged which would surely be visible on the skin. It would also cause your skin to breakout taking away from the beauty of your skin.

If you drink water at regular intervals your skin will feel soft, healthy, plump, and glowing. Water is a must to look beautiful naturally without makeup.

7. Exercise

Working out is another key to healthy beautiful glowing skin.

Exercising makes the heart rate increase, hence increasing the blood circulation. This increased blood circulation provides additional oxygen and nutrients to the skin which it needs for improvement. This helps the skin glow and slows down the process of aging. Also while exercising we sweat a lot, this sweat removes the toxins from the body and faces again contributing to healthy and glowing skin.

To look beautiful naturally without makeup you must work out.

8. Don’t stress out

Stress causes hormonal imbalance in the body. This may impact your aging process and also make your skin breakout. Also, stress makes your skin feel dull and lifeless.

Stress is not the best friend of your skin. To look naturally beautiful without makeup don’t stress out.

9. Beauty sleep

Having a proper sleep of about 6-8 hours is really necessary for your skin. The skin gets the time to rejuvenate during the time when you sleep.  If you don’t have a proper sleep your skin won’t get the time to recover which would make it dull and lifeless, therefore it is important to have a proper sleep for your skin.

10.  Sunscreen

The effect of harmful sun rays is not visible in the short run but in a long run, you would surely see the quality of your skin decreases. Therefore it is important that you provide your skin with some protection from those harmful rays. Sunscreen is a must for beautiful skin.


Improving the quality of your skin is the only way to look naturally beautiful without makeup. These were some points that would surely improve the quality of your skin.

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